Filtration Tests for Gas Processing

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Filtration Skids

On site filtration test for Gas Processing

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Filtration Tests for Gas Processing


Filtration plays a key role in ensuring that Oil & Gas / Petrochemical plants are operating efficiently: contributing to consistent product quality and preventing damage to equipment – which in turn reduces costs. But selecting the right filter for the job can be problematic: and where filters are incorrectly applied or not properly maintained, the knock-on effects can include reduced process efficiency, product contamination and unscheduled downtime – all of which affect profitability.

Celeros Flow Technology (Celeros FT) can undertake a comprehensive series of tests using its proprietary on-site Gas Filtration Test Rig to give customers a better understanding of their gas process and filtration requirements. Using data gathered during the test, it is possible to accurately gauge the actual liquid & particulate levels in the process flow and select the best filters for the application – boosting throughput and optimizing production.

Benefits of on-site testing

• Improved operational efficiency

• Reduced use of Anti-Foaming additive

• Enhanced product quality

• Extended element lifetime

• Longer maintenance intervals

• Reduced shutdowns

• Lower TCO

Where to Buy

Interested in Dollinger? Contact the team and arrange a consultation today.

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