
Jun 21

What is Re-Engineering? Use Cases, Benefits and other Considerations

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Description: This webinar from Celeros will define what re-engineering is, the best applications, and the benefits of re-engineering over other methods.

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Dec 9

How you Can Reduce Carbon Footprint and Save Money Through the Oil Mist Eliminator

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Dollinger

Product Category: Filters

Description: In this webinar we will be discussing how to find a specific OME system for you.

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Nov 18

Investing in Modern Back Pullouts to Improve your OH pump reliability

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

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OH2 SPX Branded
Getty Images 94074037 banner
Jun 25

Introduction to Air Intake Filters

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Dollinger

Product Category: Filters

Description: In this presentation we will be explaining what air intake filtration is, and the benefits they provide.

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Full11 35303 Air Intake Small
Getty Images 94074037 banner
Jun 8

Introduction to Air Intake Filters - APAC

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Dollinger

Product Category: Filters

Description: Introduction to Air Intake Filtration will outline the key features on Air Intake Filters including applications, the need, contaminants and pollutants, and how to select the right type of Air Intake Filter.

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SPX Pulse Jet system and filters
Getty Images 1152026656
May 27

How Pipework Analysis using CFD can Improve your Pump Performance

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: How Piping Layout can influence Pump Performance and Reliability, how to recognize potential issues, and how our engineering specialists utilize state of the art CFD software to find and cure the root causes of problems.

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Inv images
Getty Images 641976404
May 18

Improve your pump Life Cycle Costs

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: In this presentation we will be discussing how you can improve your pump life cycle costs with optimal pump selection.

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Getty Images 119014354
Mar 11

Introduction to Control Valves

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Copes-Vulcan

Product Category: Valves

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Getty Images 1138356741
Mar 9

Introduction to Reciprocating Pumps

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: In this webinar we will be introducing Reciprocating Pumps, where to use them, and the steps to implement them best to your system.

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High horse
Getty Images 94074037 banner
Feb 25

Introduction to Air Intake Filters

Brands: Dollinger

Product Category: Filters

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Full11 35303 Air Intake Small
Getty Images 955491344
Dec 17

How Composite Materials can Increase the Life of your Pump and Reduce Operational Expenditure

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: In this presentation we will be explaining what show typical components are, and how to implement during your routine maintenance cycle.

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Copes vulcan web
Dec 11

Introduction to Desuperheating and Steam Conditioning - Mandarin

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Copes-Vulcan

Product Category: Valves

Description: In this presentation we will be showcasing an introduction to what Steam Conditioning and Desuperheating are, basic installation requirements, and the various products used.

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CV Webinar Picture
Website Banner
Nov 24

What is Forced Lubrication? How do you Choose the Optimal Forced Lubrication Pump for your System?

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Plenty Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: In this presentation we will be discussing what a forced lubrication pump is, how it is used and how to pick the best one for your system to ensure maximum efficiency.

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Copes vulcan web
Oct 29

Introduction to Desuperheating and Steam Conditioning - APAC

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Copes-Vulcan

Product Category: Valves

Description: In this presentation we will be showcasing an introduction to what Steam Conditioning and Desuperheating are, basic installation requirements, and the various products used.

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CV Webinar Picture
Website Banner
Aug 13 - 14

Improved Protection For your Gas Network: Compliant, Economical, and Safe Solutions (Showing 2)

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Plenty Filtration

Product Category: Filters

Description: In this presentation we will be discussing how filtration can perform essential protection for your gas process.

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Gas filter
Copes vulcan web
Jul 28

Introduction to Desuperheating and Steam Conditioning

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Copes-Vulcan

Product Category: Valves

Description: In this presentation we will be showcasing an introduction to what Steam Conditioning and Desuperheating are, basic installation requirements, and the various products used.

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CV Webinar Picture
Filtersbanner web
Jul 14 - 15

Improved Protection For your Gas Network: Compliant, Economical, and Safe Solutions

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: Plenty Filtration

Product Category: Filters

Description: In this presentation we will be discussing how filtration can perform essential protection for your gas process.

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Gas filter

Why Re-Rating your Pump can save you Time and Money

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: ClydeUnion Pumps

Product Category: Pumps

Description: In this presentation we will be explaining the benefits of re-rating, what it is, and how it can be implemented into your system.

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MJ Webinar Header
Jun 30 - Jul 1

Why a Surge Valve is an Efficient and Cost-Effective Form of Surge Protection

Location: GoToWebinar

Brands: M&J Valve

Product Category: Valves

Description: In this presentation we will be explaining what a surge valve is and the benefits of this option over other surge protection methods.

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