Aftermarket Filter Solutions


The history of Celeros Flow Technology’s filtration brands – Airpel, Dollinger, Plenty and Vokes – demonstrates why we can supply our customers today with innovative, world class filtration solutions – such as our unique Gas Filtration Test Rig that can analyse filtration performance without halting production.

1921 saw Dollinger develop the world’s first air intake filter for the automotive industry. Vokes was founded in the same year, and swiftly secured sole manufacturer status for air intake filters in Britain. The first Plenty filter appeared in the UK in 1965: today we export 75% of this market-leading brand of filters, mainly for oil & gas applications in the Middle East and North Sea. Airpel adds a range of single and dual filter solutions that include labour saving, self-cleaning options to minimize downtime in a host of applications, from oil & gas, power and water utilities to pharma and automotive.

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1. OEM Supplier of Choice

With a brand presence in the filtration sector that spans almost a century, Celeros Flow Technology supply leading-edge filter products which exhibit superior engineering. These products have been designed and manufactured so that they can cope with the most challenging application environments. They deliver assured long-term operation with extremely high degrees of uptime and specification compliance, along with elevated levels of performance.

Our comprehensive after-sales services mean that installed filtration systems are properly maintained and will continue to run efficiently without risk of interruptions occurring. On-site and factory location training allows customers’ engineers to tap into the invaluable knowledge resource that we have built up over many decades. Our general maintenance management programs are backed up by bespoke client-specific solution packages.

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2. OEM Parts

Through a highly effective inventory management database, Celeros Flow Technology can support customers with constantly updated information on the range of baskets and filter elements available. This translates into much easier sourcing, with significantly reduced lead times.

Celeros Flow Technology stock replacement parts for particulate filtration, liquid filtration, as well as coalescer equipment, plus depth and pleated constructions. We can also offer element replacement options in relation to installed filtration products within oil & gas processes.

Tailored stocking policies can be offered to our customer base, so that specific items are held in storage to ensure against extended downtime. Finally, OEM agreements protect against inferior alternatives entering the supply chain.

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3. Performance Upgrades

Process alterations can adversely affect the efficiency of filtration or lead to safety issues arising. Celeros Flow Technology offer both on-site and off-line testing to ensure optimum filtration performance over time. From the data gathered, detailed insight into the true process conditions and filter performance parameters can be derived. This enables us to propose the most suitable upgrade solution, so as to boost throughput and extend operational longevity.

Through use of our highly advanced Gas Filtration Test Rig, a multitude of different test activities can be carried out without interrupting production. These include:

  • Lean amine carbon bed testing
  • Gas sweetening and dehydration testing
  • Particulate sampling
  • Total liquid removal analysis
  • Dewpoint analysis
  • Gas sample analysis
  • Liquid loading

Other services include the repair, maintenance and overhauling of filter strainers to ensure required performance and safety criteria are met, as well as the upgrading of filtration equipment to accommodate increased throughput capacity.

Our team of dedicated process engineers and site technicians are ready to help customers with the challenges they face - providing support and recommending how significant performance enhancements could be realized.

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4. Analytics & Tech Support

Leveraging our extensive experience, coupled with various sophisticated analysis methods, we are able to offer services relating to trouble-shooting and predictive maintenance. Our expert guidance can help you determine when it is timely to upgrade or replace component parts in order to avoid costly downtime. Reviews of filtration equipment performance can also be undertaken, and advice provided on how enhancements could be made. Customers can also benefit from scheduled equipment ‘health checks’ too.

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5. Element Replacement Options

Celeros Flow Technology stocks replacement parts for its own brand and third party filtration equipment. We can offer element replacement options in relation to many installed filtration products within oil & gas processes. Through direct part substitution, we can raise efficiency levels, reduce downtime and increase end-product quality. These replacements will exactly match the originals in terms of fit, form and function. Particulate filtration, liquid filtration and coalescer equipment, plus depth and pleated constructions, are all available.

Improve Your Existing Equipment

Improvement Solutions
Addressing Operational Downtime Risks

Addressing Operational Downtime Risks

A vital aspect of being a trusted lifecycle partner to our customers is making certain that the equipment we provide remains in the best working condition. This means that our customers benefit from a lower overall cost of ownership.

Contamination, such as solid particulates or liquid aerosols, can impede the efficiency of plants and their compressors, so filtering is therefore mandated. Correct selection of filtration equipment is imperative, as this will mean that process gases can be kept contaminant free, with unwanted issues affecting process continuity being prevented.

Through engaging with Celeros Flow Technology and taking advantage of the technical support we can provide, trouble-free, long-term operation can be depended upon. The costs associated with downtime (while repair work is carried out or replacement parts are sourced) may also be avoided. By stocking parts in locations across the globe, demands for replacements can be dealt with quickly, with replacements being shipped with minimal turnaround time.

Improvement Solutions
Increased Energy Efficiency

Increased Energy Efficiency

Celeros Flow Technology’s filtration systems have been installed in many locations to improve the energy efficiency of customers’ processes. With the need to reduce carbon emissions, installing a correctly sized filter or strainer will reduce the pressure drop experienced. As well as saving energy, this will also reduce the frequency of filter cleaning and replacement activities. This means that ongoing operational costs are minimized.

Improvement Solutions
Ensuring Continuous Operation

Ensuring Continuous Operation

While filtration equipment is necessary to reduce contamination and protect downstream equipment, it should not become a source of unplanned outages. Celeros Flow Technology offers a combination of innovative product design features and tailored maintenance support to make sure your filtration system continues to operate without any issues.

Case study example:

Within one customer’s power plant, Airpel OW strainers have been installed to supply clean lubrication oil to the main turbines. Dual basket strainers were selected to allow the process to run continuously. Using data provided by a pressure sensor device, the operator is notified when high differential pressure levels indicate that the strainer requires attention. A simple manual lever/valve swaps the system to standby, allowing the strainer basket to be cleaned without any interruption to the process. The customer’s productivity has thereby been kept at the highest levels.

Improvement Solutions
Maintaining Pipeline Quality

Maintaining Pipeline Quality

Filtration systems make a massive difference to product quality by removing contaminants – whether from air intakes on compressors or during processing and refining activities. To prevent blockages or damage, it is important to make regular checks on filtration equipment to ensure it is performing as it should. This is particularly important if there has been a change in production, which may require the filtration equipment to be adapted or resized. Celeros Flow Technology brands provide customers with comprehensive support, from correct filtration selection and sizing to on-site analysis and full maintenance regimes.

Case study example:

Filters from our Dollinger brand were installed within a customer’s Amine treatment process to deal with the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide present in natural gas. Amine liquid will often be contaminated throughout the process and these contaminants need to be filtered out accordingly. The system’s operational performance and its longevity have both been improved by filtration, and the risk of downtime issues occurring has been mitigated.

Filter Service Solutions

To locate your nearest service center select a marker on the map below, or click the SERVICE CENTERS button to view our global network of service centers and providers by region.

Service Centers
Pentrich AGI 16 Cleaned Up

Industry Leading Field Service

  • Site Service
  • Fully Trained service engineers
  • Process Engineers & Site Technicians
  • Global Service Centre Network
Skid 150 152 cutout

Filter Site Performance Testing

  • Lean Amine Carbon Bed Testing
  • Gas Sweetening & Dehydration Testing
  • Particulate Sampling
  • Total Liquid Removal Analysis
  • Dewpoint Analysis
  • Gas Sampling Analysis
  • Liquid Loading
Filtration Aftermarket Filter Elements

Filter Elements Service

  • Routine planned maintenance
  • Emergency Shut down support
  • Parts & Element Stocking Agreements
  • Inventory Management
  • Element Overhaul, Media Replacements
Commission installing

Commissioning Installation & Product Training

  • Best practice processes
  • Client site product training
  • Service centre based training
Valve AM

Repair Maintenance & Overhaul

  • Filter Condition Monitoring
  • On-site and off-site repairs
  • Global Service Centre Network

Training Materials

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